Boone Park Playground before 2016
Boone Park Playground before 2016

A  new  ​​Boone Park Playground

Thank you Boone Park Visionaries!

More than 25 years ago some area residents had a vision of what Boone Park (bound by St. Johns Ave. and Van Wert) could be.  They volunteered time and money to turn a once-neglected city block into a beautiful wooded landscape with paved trails, benches AND a playground. 

To them, we say "THANK YOU!" Our children have enjoyed countless hours of play, freedom and fresh air thanks to their vision. We love our kids and our community, and it now time to make sure they are playing on equipment that is safe, compliant, new and innovative.​

With the help of some of the original visionaries, a new group of volunteers have come together. We surveyed more than 200 parents, grandparents and caretakers who bring their children to Boone Park. We researched playground companies, their designs and the research behind their designs. We studied what play value each piece of equipment offers a child at each stage of their development. We have chosen playground equipment that motivates play and significantly improves health, learning, and social inclusion - all on children's terms and in a fun way!